TJonesWEB will be happy to register a domain name for your company. We offer a convenient search feature that allows you to check the availability of a given domain name. Simply input the desired domain name in the text box to the right and click on the "Search" button.
Although our search feature offers multiple top-level domain (TLD) options ( i.e. .com, .net, .org, .info) we strongly recommend that you search for a name that ends in .com (or .org in the case of a non-profit) as these TLDs are ingrained in the psyches of web users.
If the domain name you desire is taken then feel free to call us and we will help create a list of suitable alternatives. Domain name registration is offered at the low cost of $37.69/year.
Another convenient service we offer our customers is website hosting. We offer three different levels of hosting plans one of which is sure to suit your needs. If you are unsure which plan will work best for your company then let us know and we can offer a recommendation. Please note that we ask those clients who have their site hosted with our company to cover the cost through the end of the first year and then for a year at a time.
Transactions requiring the transmission of confidential information, such as credit card information, require a Secure Certificate (SSL).
TJonesWEB can install and maintain a secure certificate for a cost of $91.75/year. To find out more information about secure certificates please contact us.